
Exclusive 2 months free & £5 free pocket money

Making every kid good with money
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goHenry offer pre-paid cards and apps for young people. It's easy to set up, free of charge, no credit card required. With goHenry you can keep your kids safe online by setting restrictions on what they do with their account. You can monitor their spending limit or allow them to use it like a debit card but not make purchases in certain places like the mall or online stores where there is adult content available.


Free app and free card

HyperJar is a free prepaid card & money app for everyone. Divide money into Jars for things like food, clothes or petrol and spend directly from your...
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1 month FREE trial + custom card

Turns pocket money into life lessons
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Osper is a free mobile app for children that teaches them how to spend and save their pocket money wisely. They will be able to learn about saving, spending, and more through the app while they build up their own bank account.

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