You can follow the following steps to redeem your free Abel & Cole promo code.
Abel & Cole is dedicated to providing the ultimate convenience when it comes to shopping sustainably. This company takes great care of both people and the planet. They have achieved this by offering mostly organic items, minimal packaging, and lower food miles.
Abel & Cole offers a wide range of goods for your kitchen and household. You can currently shop from eight different categories on their website, i.e, Fruit and Veg, Meat and Fish, Fridge, Pantry, Bakery, Household items, Drinks, and Outdoor eating. If you’re purchasing fruits and veg or meat and fish, you have the option of choosing an Abel and Cole box that the company will put together for you. Alternatively, you can order individual items that you prefer.
With offerings ranging from seafood to wild game, grains to snacks, toiletries to pet food, and fruit juice to beer and lager, Abel & Cole is a shopper’s paradise. You can take advantage of our promo code to enjoy a discounted, hassle free shopping experience at Abel & Coles.
When you refer a friend to the service, both of you get 50 percent off your next 2 organic Fruit and Veg boxes.
Abel & Cole will deliver your items to your doorstep. With their deliveries, Abel & Cole strive for minimal carbon emissions and low food miles. This means that your delivery day and time will depend on your address. Abel & Cole typically deliver to an area on a specific day each week. This also helps keep the delivery charge at a low £1.50.
You can issue delivery instructions if you won’t be home during a delivery. This advises your driver on a secure place they can leave your order.
If your products are defective, you can contact Abel & Cole as soon as possible through any of the channels indicated on their website. They can then replace the items or offer a refund.
Where are Abel & Cole based?
Abel & Cole is based in Wimbledon, South-West London.
Does Abel & Cole offer a Veg box?
Abel & Cole offer a variety of fruit and veg boxes. You can also order specific vegetables from the “Fruit & Veg” page.
Can I pick what comes in my Abel & Cole fruit and veg box?
At the moment you have the option of picking up to 3 fruits and 7 vegetables that you’d want to be excluded from your fruit and veg box. However, you cannot currently select the fruits and veggies you’d want to receive instead.
Does Abel & Cole have a minimum order value?
Abel & Cole has a minimum order value of £12. Regardless of the size of your order, the delivery charge is a constant £1.50.
Are all Abel & Cole items organic?
Almost all products on Abel & Cole are organic. However they also offer items such as wild game, foraged food, water, and sea-caught fish which cannot be officially certified.
Does Abel & Cole have Vegan and plant-based food?
Yes. You can find a wide variety of vegan and plant-based options in the Free Form section.
When will I receive my Abel & Cole delivery?
Depending on your address, you’ll receive your Abel & Cole package on a specific day each week. Deliveries usually start at 4 am. However, drivers only knock from 8:30 am, unless your instructions allow them to do so.
You cannot choose a different delivery day as the routes are designed to keep carbon emissions and food miles as low as possible.
How do I cancel Abel & Cole?
You can easily cancel your Abel & Cole subscription at any time. You’ll need to click on “My Account” and then scroll to the “personal details” section where you can cancel your account whenever you choose.
How will my food stay cool?
Abel & Cole delivery vans are refrigerated which helps keep your food cool and fresh. If you order any frozen or chilled items, they’ll be packed with an eco insulation material, Woolcool?.
What should I do with Abel & Cole packaging?
Abel & Cole is dedicated to caring for our planet. They not only use minimal packaging, but most of the packaging material is reusable. You can leave the folded down boxes, clear Abel & Cole bags, ice packs, and Woolcool? insulation outside for your driver to pick up during your next delivery. However, you cannot return glass or plastic bottles.
Can I skip a week?
Yes. Abel & Cole offer a flexible and convenient service. You can easily skip a week by visiting the “Manage Holidays” page where you can pick the weeks you’d want to skip.
What happens if my Abel & Cole delivery is stolen?
If your delivery is stolen you need to call the company through the number provided on their website. They’ll issue a refund and figure out a more secure place to leave your delivery next time.
When was Abel & Cole founded?
Abel & Cole was founded in 1988 by former barrister Keith Abel. In 2007, the company was bought by Phoenix Equity Partners for approximately £40 million. Abel & Cole was then bought by the William Jackson Food Group in 2012.
On Trustpilot, Abel & Cole has an Excellent rating of 4.6 stars. Out of over 8,500 reviews, the company has more than 70% 5-star ratings and 20% 4-star ratings. With 1-star and 2-star reviews accounting for only 2% of the total, it’s clear that most people love Abel and Cole products and services.
You can get a fantastic discount on organic, seasonal veg with our Riverford discount code, or discover the flavours of the world with a FeastBox subscription.
Allplants can deliver 100% plant-based frozen meals right to your door, or you can get a regular delivery of locally grown ingredients with easy-to-follow recipes from Mindful Chef.
Our Abel and Cole referral codes can offer significant savings when making a new purchase.We update our promotional codes frequently, so make sure to check back before making your purchase.
Check out the latest Abel and Cole referral codes to make huge savings. At Newbie Deals, we actively seek out the best offers for our readers to ensure you make significant savings. If Abel and Colev offer a refer a friend program, we’ll publish it. If they offer a discount code, we’ll show it. If they have an exclusive offer, you got it, we’ll bring it to you. By shopping with Newbie Deals and taking advantage of our Abel and Cole referral codes, you can ensure you get the best deal in town.
Simply put, it can save you money, and who doesn’t like making savings? With Newbie Deals, you can save up to 5% on your next Abel and Cole purchase, by simply using our links. When you use our referral codes(or refer a friend scheme) nothing else changes other than the price you pay, it really is as simple as click, buy and save.